베르그포터 토분 데이지 Vase(화병)

When we think of Daisy, we think first and foremost of the Danish Queen, her royal highness Margrethe the 2nd. Among Danes it is a public secret that family and friends call the Queen the nickname Daisy.Our Daisy has been Designed by Bergs itself and symbolizes the strength, elegance and classical lines of the Queen. Furthermore, the name refers to the flower by the same name – also known as a Marguerite – with all its class, elegance and simple beauty. And so, our Daisy represents both the Queen of Denmark and a flower favorite to many. The pot comes both as a classical standing pot and a wall hanging pot. And trust us, you want to hang out with Daisy!

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Tel. 031-262-8070 | gogirifarmorg@gmail.com
대표 김성훈  경기도 용인시 수지구 호수로 11-4

사업자 등록번호 :872-99-00302, 통신판매업신고 : 2017-용인수지-0335 

[국립종자원] 종자업등록번호 : 제 10-용인-2022-30-02호